Disability Caused By Medical Negligence? What Can You Do?
It isn’t just physical disabilities either. Claims for psychological damage and disability are also common. In many ways, the mental disorders arising from poor quality health service diagnosis and therapies can be even more debilitating than bodily ones. They rob the individual of their mental well-being, as well as their ability to earn a living. In all cases of disability caused by medical malpractice, it is the patient who suffers and it should be the medical practitioners and their institutions that should compensate them for that suffering. Mistakes do happen! No matter how mindful doctors and nurses are when treating patients.
According to their Hippocratic oath the first duty of doctors everywhere, is ‘to do no harm’. No doctor intentionally goes about causing disabilities in their patients. Yet medical negligence claims help line Medical Negligence Assist, deal with cases of disability caused to patients by doctors, nurses and other medical staff because of mistakes and neglect on a daily basis. Disability claims because of malpractice in the health service are settled daily, among all the other civil claims in UK law courts.
Prevention is always better than cure and the only way to prevent medical malpractice is to keep the practitioners on their toes by letting them know they will pay for any and all mistakes they make. This has the added general benefit of spreading the news. The more we know about malpractice claims the more mindful we make our doctors.
Why Claim if you disabled due to medical negligence?
If you are disabled due to clinical negligence you may need the compensation to help with every day life. You also may have lost your job or your business. Their has been a lot of cases in the UK were victims have been made disable due to hospital negligence or even GP negligence and many victims have been awarded over 1 Million ponds. Their injuries have been life changing and it is important that they do get the right amount of compensation they deserve.
So it is not just your right to make a claim for disability compensation in the event of your bad experience at the hands of the NHS, it is your duty. Mistakes by doctors and nurses are always considered to be just that, unintended honest slip-ups. But this is of little concern to the sufferer when it comes to making a claim. Claims are against both the individual practitioners and the clinics or hospitals where the unfortunate incidents take place.
What can you do, if you feel you have been victimised as a patient? Or if you have been disabled in some physical or psychological way at the hands of the NHS? Well you can’t do anything about it alone. To make sure you get a fair hearing, broadcast your experience and win appropriate compensation you need a lawyer.
Not just any old lawyer though. You need one who is well versed in the law surrounding medical malpractice. You better believe there is an awful lot of law and precedence around this area of legal practice too. Make your first port of call the website of MedicalNegligenceAssist.co.uk to arrange a preliminary sympathetic discussion about your personal circumstances.
With most claims medical practitioners and their management teams will attempt to resolve cases as soon as they can. This means normally well before it comes to court. They are, of course all too aware of how negative publicity arising from a court appearance can damage their reputations. This is also in the sufferer’s interest since the sooner they get compensation the sooner they can begin to rebuild their lives as best they can.